Sunday, September 11, 2022

Day 7 Minneapolis to Hager City, WI 61 mi

Dan's garage became our bicycle barn for the overnight at his home.  Here's a photo of us getting ready to get on our way.
Dan and his wife.  Dan would be riding with us this morning, helping guide us safely out of the Minneapolis suburbs and getting us into Prescott, WI where his wife will pick him up.  Dan is a 70 yr old who rides at a pace that us 60 something youngsters really have to work hard to keep up. 
Back on the road past the Mall of America and this ski jumping training center.
It was 9/11 today.  Wendy and I came across this Navy veteran raising money for PTSD outside of a Walmart that we made a quick stop at.  I learned about his service as an aircraft ordinance technician during the first Gulf War on the carrier Midway. We made a donation and said our goodbyes.
Here we are high on a bluff on our way to the Wisconsin boarder.  The small blue sliver below the distance skyline is the Mississippi.
We took a short break in Hastings, MN on the banks of the Mississippi just before crossing the bridge in the painting into Wisconsin.
My sister near what Dan calls the Mickey & Minnie Mouse Bridge in Prescott, WI.
Wendy on a bluff overlooking the Mississippi next to a sculptured tree at a visitor center.
We experienced our first really steep hills on our way to the Mr. Sippi Marina Bar and Campground.  Our tent site is right next to the river and marina.

We went out to dinner in the town of Red Wing across the river from Hager City. 
Amtrak depot in Red Wing.
Paddle wheelers on the river adjacent to downtown Red Wing.
Sunset on the Mississippi at the riverfront of Red Wing.
Hotel named after me (not)!
Doug's daughter and fiance drove us across the river to this hotel restaurant in Red Wing where we closed out the first week along the Mississippi.