Wendy and I put IA in our rear view mirrors for the rest of the adventure as we crossed the bridge from Keokuk into IL this morning. Weather wise we had improving sunshine with a robust tailwind directly from the N. The IL town of Warsaw is just across the river from Keokuk. Alot of the towns we have been riding through lately have that "could use a little TLC" look to them. There was still a cement factory on the outskirts of town. Cement making seems to be one of the more noticable industries next to farming.
The only major city we would be passing through today was Quincy IL.
Our transportation parked outside of the cafe we stopped at in Quincy. We both went for sourdough bread sandwiches and a coffee to hold us over till we reached Hannibal.
The after lunch ride was on a more trafficed road with a narrow shoulder. We concentrated on riding a narrow fine line on the edge of the pavement and the drivers obliged by moving towards the center of the road to pass us.
A lot of Mark Twain quotes throughout the displays in the museum sites in town.
We ended the day like we end a lot of days on this tour by heading down to the river in the evening to check out the activity on the great waterway.