End of the ride photo fun at the Gateway Arch, St Louis.
Both Wendy and I agree that we had one of the most enjoyable rides of the MRT today. The scenery and hustle and bustle along the river and bike paths seemed to be ever changing today culminating with the crossing of the Chain of Rocks bridge crossing, the bikeway into St Louis, and visit to the Gateway Arch. However the most enjoyable part of today occurred after the ride was over when we got to visit our hosts for tonight, Mark and Linda.
Yesturday's rain was a distant memory. Traveling toward Alton IL was highlighted by sun sparkling off the Mississippi as the road took us right along the river.
We stopped at the Alton's Saturday market near the bridge to purchase a vendor's Oowey Gooey Pastries then a quick stop at the McDs for coffee and a sandwich before exiting town on the Missouri Confluence Trail leading out of town toward the Chain of Rocks bridge.
Here we are about to cross onto the Chain of Rocks bridge known for being one of the links along Route 66 as well as making a bend in the bridge as it crosses the Mississippi. This information Kiosk was playing " Get your kicks on Route 66" which explains why I was snapping my fingers and Wendy was doing a high kick.
Wendy and I at the Gateway Arch on a radient blue sky day. Time to take alot of photos. Here were some of them.
Wendy's husband, Mike, has a colleague who lives in Columbia, a suburb of St Louis. Mark and Linda, graciously offered to pick us up from the Arch and bring us to their home for an overnight stay, a hot meal, and lively conversation. I can't say enough about how much we enjoyed their company and warm hospitality.