Monday, September 12, 2022

Day 8 Hager City to Fountain City, WI 63mi

Our plan for the day was to continue down the Wisconsin side of the Mississippi River to a state park campground.  We were on a mission to reach a a place called Stockholm Pies for an early morning snack stop.  
On the way we were faced with a challenging multi mile assent along the river road.   The hill climb rewarded us with a great view of Pepin Lake(below).

We coasted back down into Stockholm where we had heard tales of fabulous pies.
We were not disappointed.
Wendy and I went for the Bumble Berry pie to split and some cold chocolate milk.
Afterwards, it was onto Pepin,  the birthplace and childhood home of Laura Ingles Wilder.  There was a nice town park with a depot building and this small rail car.
Further down the road we came across this novel (snow?) fence.
The afternoon snack stop was at the town of Nelson. 
We both got our second chocolate milk fix of the day.
In the town of Alma, we passed a large lock and dam on the river.
At the end of the ride it was time to dry the morning dew from the tent.  I also used the tent as a makeshift clothes dryer.