Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Day 10 Lacrosse WI to Prairie Du Chien 61mi

Camping along the Mississippi at this time of year has recently meant waking up in a super saturated fog.  The tent fly is definitely soaked and its difficult keeping clothing and sleeping bags dry.   Wendy and I had a lunch break in the town of Ferryville along the river.  I took the opportunity to unpack my rain fly and dry it out over the rail of the scenic overlook while we snacked.   I didn't feel like lugging around the weight of the water soaked into the material.

The day was another fair weather day with views of the three R's: road, railroad, and river.  All three were running side by side most of the day.

We took an afternoon break at this riverfront access point mainly to use the facilities but got the bonus to see some eagles flying nearby.
This is Wendy settling in at what I called the Little House on the Prairie Du Chien.  
The folks at Sports Unlimited Campground gratuitously allowed us non RV tent campers to stay the night on this open area of their property.
Natalie, I think I found you a used vehicle to get you to those hard to reach locations.

The campground was a full feature facility with golf course, clubhouse, pool, and semi and permanent RV units looking like what I would call micro-homes.  We ate at a restaurant on site called The Barn serving delicious specials in a  post and beam barn structure.

Tomorrow we cross the river into Iowa and start traveling south on the west side of the Mississippi.