We crossed the Mississippi at Lacrosse WI into IA today. We're heading into river bluff country where the roads on either side of the river will begin to have steep climbs and decents. This photo was shot just after we crossed the river bridge into Marquette, IA. Alot of the small towns along the way have made a strong attempt to maintain their old charm but still provide services that folks expect today.
We had several long steep hills to ride up today. I was usually first to reach the top so I photographed Wendy, Cindy, and Doug holding up the sign for the hill we just completed.
It was both strenuous but rewarding to know we could haul ourselves and gear up to the top without stopping.
We stopped for a lunch break in the town of Gutenberg, IA. There we found another big fish to strike a pose next to.
The big fish was next to a cafe serving homemade pear and triple berry pies along with lunch items. This was the second awsome pie stop of our trip.
The town also has one of the multiple lock and dam combinations that started With number 1 somewhere near Minneapolis. I believe this was Lock #10.
I should be a spokesperson for Prairie Farms Dairy with all their chocolate milk I have drunk on these trips. I was told its a great recovery drink for after the ride but have found it really helps drinking along the way with getting through some of the more demanding stretches of the road. Wendy and I have split up to a half gallon (800 cal each) at a convenience stop. We found this trailer parked along our hilly route today.
We eventually worked our way up to a high ridge road in the afternoon.
We passed through the town of Balltown where Wendy's son played baseball recently.
By this point Wendy was running low on drinking water. We saw these two young ladies on their porch and asked if they could fill up her water bottle - which they did.
lead to our destination for tonight - in the town of Sherrill.
We were invited to stay at Doug's 93 year old father in law's home overlooking the nearby farm community.
Dave was a generous host. We had dinner down the street at a brother in laws home. It was a great way to end a long day of climbing the Iowa bluff country.
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