Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Day 9 Fountain City to Lacrosse WI 48 mi

Today's ride was a little bit shorter. We woke up to a foggy morning so took our time in camp before starting out on the road.  The Great River Road (WI 35) is in great condition but busier than I had expected.  The shoulders of the road are adequate and the vehicles on the road are giving us enough room.
As the map shows, we are mostly hugging the Wisconsin side of the Mississippi River.   Wendy discovered a serve yourself roadside sourdough bread stand (The Bread Hut) operated on the honor system that we purchased a loaf from.  
A bit further down the road we came across a fresh fruit stand.  We purchased some fresh raspberries that were devoured immediately and a 3lb bag of apples that was half devoured immediately.  The stand owner gave us an alternative route to the next town of Tempealeau that would keep us away from the busiest traffic.
Here we are in Trempealeau.  The River Monster show should come to Wisconsin because all the fish are man eater sized.

Wendy has been a great navigator.  We both have digital maps but I find I rely on her for some of the alternative rerouting we've had to do on the fly sometimes.
Speeking of large fish, here was another one welcoming us to Onalaska, Wi which was very close to our final destination for the day.
We rode into the riverfront park in Lacrosse a few miles later. Here is Wendy at the riverfront pointing to the bridge that would get us over to the RV campground situated on a large island in the river.
Some campsite shots at Pettibone Resort Campground.  We got a sunny site to dry out the tents that still were wet from the morning dew.
We walked back over the bridge after showering off to get a dose of pizza and some ice cream.
Here is a view of the hotel converted to old time ice cream parlor.  I liked the silouettes of various characters in the upstairs rooms.
It was getting dark by the time the ice cream ran dry. Goodnight from Lacrosse WI on the banks of the Mississippi.

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